My JavaScript Compendium

54 minute read

My notes are derived mostly from YDKJS book series.

Kyle Simpson, You Don’t Know JS (book series)

It is simultaneously a simple, easy-to-use language that has broad appeal, and a complex and nuanced collection of language mechanics which without careful study will elude true understanding even for the most seasoned of JavaScript developers … Because JavaScript can be used without understanding, the understanding of the language is often never attained.


a Variable in a Function Scope

Most of the time, there are only 2 scopes we are interested in: the Global Scope and the Function Scope.

When a variable is declared and assigned var test = 1, the following sequence will happen when code is run:

  1. Compiler will parse code into tokens
  2. Compiler will check if variable was already declared in Scope. If not it will request for variable to be declared in Scope.
  3. Execution Engine runs compiled code, retrieve variable from Scope.
  4. Variable retrieved and assigned value by Engine.
  5. If variable cannot be resolved in current Scope, the Engine will query from outer Scopes, searching up all the way until Global Scope if the variable cannot be found. a. by default, the variable will get created in Global Scope if deemed missing. b. in strict-mode, a ReferenceError will be thrown.

Shadowing refers to having the same variable identifier in the inner scope and outer scope. Since look up always start from the innermost scope, the shadow variable will be resolved instead of the outer scope variable. In most cases, this is our expectation from the Engine. Look up stops once a matching variable is found in the Scope.

In browsers, all variables declared in Global Scope are automatically properties of the Global Object “window” and are therefore accessible from any nested scope through accessing the Global object.

How are Scopes determined

YDKJS, Scopes & Closures, Chapter 2

No matter where a function is invoked from, or even how it is invoked, its lexical scope is only defined by where the function was declared.

Lexical Scopes can be modified at runtime by eval, with, and some other built-in functions (strongly discouraged), which are restricted by strict-mode (Great!). Besides the danger of code injection through eval, performance of code will slow down. Scope will be dynamically generated when Engine executes the code, wasting all the optimization efforts of the Compiler from analyzing the static code before execution.

In short, we can assume JavaScript do not have Dynamic Scope (scope determined by where function was called at runtime in the call stack, instead of function declaration and respecting the lexical scope chain)

Another important concept:

It is true that internally, scope is kind of like an object with properties for each of the available identifiers. But the scope “object” is not accessible to JavaScript code. It’s an inner part of the Engine’s implementation.


Instead of loading variables into your Global Scope, which may result in variable name collision, the classic pattern is to use an object as a “namespace”, so as to limit the scope of imported variables, and to access them via object accessors. Modern approach is to use module dependency managers to achieve the same goal.

Block Scopes

Consists of:

  • try-catch
  • for loops
  • { … }

Most of the time we may have allowed our functions to have closure over unnecessary data that are not relevant. Allowing those variables and data to be in block scope will limit exposure, and allow garbage collection once execution has passed that block.

let and const are block scoped declarations. Functions are not block scoped, so declaring it in the block will be hoisted to the enclosing outer scope.

Let vs Var vs Const


  • let is scoped to the immediately enclosing block, var is scoped to the immediately enclosing function.
  • let is not hoisted, and will only be defined when that line of code is evaluated.
  • When used at top-level, let will not create a property on Global object.
  • let do not allow redeclaration of the variable within the same scope.


  • const is Block Scoped.
  • No hoisting.
  • Will not create Global object property.
  • No redeclaration. Must assign value on declaration.

special note on var

Calling var at the top level creates a property of the Global object. It is not a copy of the variable. It is the exact same variable.


Allows variable (var, functions) declaration any where in the lexical scope. When code is parsed by Compiler, the variables will be hoisted to the top and declared before execution starts in the scope, so that all declared variables are available.

Only declarations will be hoisted. Assignments will be left in place. Therefore this snippet will print undefined despite of hoisting.

console.log(test); // undefined
var test = 1;

hello(); // TypeError
my(); // ReferenceError
var hello = function my() {
  console.log("my world");

foo(); // prints bar
function foo() {

Functions are hoisted before variables. If there are duplicated definitions of the same function, the last declaration wins.

IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression

Typically used to create a scope for variables, isolated from the outer scope.

Function Parameter Scope Bubble

Parameters of a function are in their own parameter scope, with no access to function body scope.


YDKJS, Scopes & Closures, Chapter 5

Closure is when a function is able to remember and access its lexical scope even when that function is executing outside its lexical scope.

We use “closure” as a verb, with meaning close to “reference”. A function has “closure” over certain internal variables/scope. The internal variables are akin to internal state of an object. Start state can be injected on creation.

function multiplyByX(x) {
  function multiply(input) {
    // multiply function has closure over scope of enclosing function.
    return input * x;
  return multiply;

var multiplyByFive = multplyByX(5);

// function is executed outside of its declared lexical scope of multiply, but still retains access to the scope
console.log(multiplyByFive(5)); // 25

Testing our understanding of how javascript works: loops + closure, example from YDKJS

for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
  setTimeout(function timer() {
  }, i * 1000);
// prints out the number "6" every second.

What is happening? In my own understanding:

  • for-loop body only has one scope, regardless of the number of iterations
  • variable i is bound to a new iteration value at every loop
  • at every loop, we will set timeout, with a function called timer, with a closure over the scope of the for-loop (therefore only one single scope, ever)
  • after the loop has ended, when each callback gets executed, the closure will reference variable i from for-loop scope, which already has value set to 6 (since the loop ended)
  • this behavior is consistent even if timeout value is set to zero.

To make the loop work as intended, we need to freeze the value of the variable within our timeout function scope or timer function scope, and have a new scope instance on each iteration, instead of having a closure of the changing for-loop scope. The book YDKJS used an IIFE to create a scope per iteration. But I think the subsequent examples using block scope is easier for us to appreciate the concept.

for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
  const k = i; // constant k is block scoped, and assigned on declaration at each iteration.
  setTimeout(function timer() {
    console.log(`block scoped ${k}, for-loop scoped ${i}`);
  }, k * 1000);

for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
  // or more simply using block scoped behavior of let.
  setTimeout(function timer() {
  }, i * 1000);

Implementing Module Pattern

The module pattern can be implemented with closures to satisfy these conditions:

  • There must be an outer enclosing function, and it must be invoked at least once to create a new module instance.
  • Enclosing function must return an inner function with closure over private scope of enclosing function.

What is THIS?

THIS is a binding in the execution context, not the SELF, not the SCOPE

this is a context object available to the function scope during execution.

When a function is invoked, an execution context is created. The execution context contains various information:

  • where the function was called from (the call-stack)
  • how the function was invoked
  • what parameters were passed
  • the this reference, which will be determined by call-site (how the function was called)

(inspecting from the devTool will allow us to see the execution context, and also the scope chain)

Rules that determines THIS binding

Default Binding

With no modifiers, the default binding of this is to the Global object. Strict mode do not allow default binding, so it will be undefined.

Implicit Binding

If a context object references the function as part of the object property, e.g. obj.func(), then this context object obj will be bound to this and be available to the function func.

Therefore, it is critical that a context object is used to invoke the function, if it is just a reference assignment of the function through an object, the implicit binding will be lost. This is especially common for callback functions. (e.g. React components passing callback functions to Child components).

function sayHello() {

var obj = {
  hello: "Ni Hao!",
  sayHello: sayHello,

var justAReference = obj.sayHello;
justAReference(); // default binding!

BEWARE! - Event handlers in popular JavaScript libraries are quite fond of forcing your callback to have a this which points to, for instance, the DOM element that triggered the event

Explicit Binding

Make use of JS Function Utilities, the call and apply methods of Function objects allow explicit binding by passing the desired context object as method parameter. If a primitive is passed as context object, they will be boxed to become the object from through object wrappers.

These utilities allow dynamic binding of this through explicit reference. The bind method provided in ES5 and ES6 an object to a function, and returns a reference to a new function that is hard bound to the object. ES6 adds a name property to the resultant function, that indicate the name of the source function before binding.

Many libraries provide functions with optional context parameters, giving us the convenience to explicitly bind an object to this as we make our function calls.

NEW Binding

In JavaScript, there is no Java equivalent of a constructor function. All functions are just… functions. A new keyword merely modify the invocation and return object of that function in the following sequence:

  1. a new object is created
  2. the newly created object gets prototype-linked to that function’s prototype object
  3. the newly created object gets bound to this of that function call
  4. function gets executed
  5. unless the function returns its own alternate object, the newly created object will be returned by default

I think of this sequence as a decorator around the function. And unless the new object is required by this constructor call, if not the new keyword can be omitted and the function should still behave as expected like a constructor call, it all depends on how you have coded the function. Omitting the new keyword if it is redundant will avoid additional object creation and garbage collection.

Remember, there is no constructor in JavaScript.

Binding Priority

  • Explicit Binding takes precedence over all other bindings (if used in conjunction).
  • However, new Binding is able to override hard bound this in a function, making the function apply on the new object and return the new object instead. This allows possibility of partial application (subset of currying).
  • Implicit Binding takes precedence over Default Binding.
  • Rules fall through to Default Binding.

new > explicit > implicit > default

Note: you cannot bind to an explicitly bound function again to override the context.

ignoring THIS

Calls to explicit binding may be used for other purposes, such as spreading arguments or currying. However, the binding context is a mandatory parameter. If we pass in null or undefined for binding, we will fall back to Default Binding on Global object, which may cause unintended modifications on the Global object by other callers of the function.

An empty object Object.create(null) can be passed instead as a safe this binding. This object is more efficient than an object created by { } expression, since there is no delegation from Object.prototype.

YDKJS suggested using a helper soft-bind function to emulate a desired soft binding behavior, which I find confusing to other users of the function. You either need to have implemented the helper function, or have a strong understanding of this binding, to use the function effectively

lexical THIS in arrow functions

An arrow function do not bind to this according to the above binding rules, but instead inherit this from the lexical scope of the enclosing function. In simple terms, the lexical scope determines what this will be inherited by the arrow functions, instead of the call-site of the function (but of course, the binding rules still apply to the enclosing function).

YDKJS encourage using either a pure lexical scoping style of coding, or a pure context binding style of coding, instead of mixing both concept, which may make our code hard to maintain (I think this is especially true in a team environment).


Not everything in JavaScript is an Object.

Primitives are not objects. They will be coerced or boxed into objects when you use object operations on them.

Object sub-types can be called complex primitives. These are functions and arrays.

All object access are property access. The objects do not truly “own” a method in the traditional OO language sense, just because the function is referenced by one of the object property. Even if the function access other object properties through this reference, this is determined by context binding during invocation.

Shallow Copy

Since objects can contain properties that are infinitely nested objects or contain circular references, ES6 provides Object.assign(newObject, sourceObjects... ) that creates a shallow copy only.

If an object is JSON safe, then JSON stringify followed by JSON parse on the string will create a new distinct object with no shared references.

Data Descriptors

A property of an object that describes data. Such a property can be configured using Object.defineProperty(obj, property, config). The configurations available:

  • Value - value/data of the property
  • Writable - determines if value of property can be changed.
  • Configurable - determines if property descriptor can be updated. (one-way action once set to false). Also determines if a property can be delete.
  • Enumerable - determines if property will show up during enumeration over all properties of object using

Array should be enumerated using for-loop that act on indices only, instead of using to prevent accessing other enumerable properties of Array object. ES5 offers useful helpers to iterate over Array values instead, but with no guarantee on ordering of Array elements

Enumerable and Iteration

ES6 provides for..of loop, which requests for the object’s iterator Symbol.iterator property to iterate through the property values. This iterator is built-in for Array sub-types therefore we can use for..of for arrays immediately, but will need to be provisioned manually for other object types.

Compared to forEach which takes a callback to apply to each element of the array, for..of allows early termination but requires Symbol.iterator property.

Object-level configurations

  • Object.preventExtensions(obj) prevents new property from being added to the object.
  • Object.seal(obj) makes object non-extensible, and make all existing properties non-configurable.
  • Object.freeze(obj) seals the object, and make all existing properties non-writable.

Accessor Descriptors

If an object property is defined with getter or setter functions, it is considered an accessor descriptor. JS will call the getter or setter to access the data, and the value and writable configuration of the property will be ignored. Getters and Setters can be defined at a per property level, overriding default function behavior.

So if the property remains as a data descriptor, the default [[Get]] and [[Put]] function will be used to access the value. These are the functions that gets overridden when the property upgrades to become an accessor descriptor.

Missing Property

Accessing a missing property will return undefined unlike referencing a missing variable which throws ReferenceError.

If a property exists, but was set to value undefined, there is another way to test of existence of a property instead of testing the value of a property, by using the following:

  • obj.hasOwnProperty(property) checks if this particular object has property.
  • property in obj checks if this particular object, or the prototype chain, has the property.

There is no built-in way to list all properties of an object including properties up the prototype chain. Object.keys(obj) will list all properties of the current object that are enumerable. Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj) will list all properties of current object regardless of enumerability.


Classes in the traditional OO sense do not exists in JavaScript.

Inheritance via Mixin

Since classes do not exists in the language, all “class” definitions are merely objects.

Inheriting a parent “class” to a child “class” can be emulated by performing a shallow copy of all the parent object properties if they don’t exist in the target child object, and methods can be extended/overridden using explicit pseudo-polymorphic reference. But even this does not provide true OOP inheritance that creates a new copy of the behavior, as the parent and child now shares reference to a common function.

This is a common and traditional approach, called Explicit Mixin.

// invented function mixin
function mixin(sourceObj, targetObj) {
  for (var key in sourceObj) {
    targetObj[key] = sourceObj[key];
  return targetObj;

var Child = mixin(Parent, {
  myFunc: function () {; // explicit reference to Parent object, due to shadowing of method name
    console.log("Extended functionality");

Parasitic Inheritance is a variant of the above explicit mixin, by creating a parent object reference within the child object and maintaining privileged references to whatever properties the child would like to inherit.

function Child = {
  var child = new Parent() // parent object reference
  var parentMyFunc = child.myFunc // privileged reference
  function myFunc() {;
    console.log( "Extended functionality" );
  return child

Implicit Mixin is another approach to mixin, which make use of context binding to borrow behavior from a parent “class” and applying it to a child context object, hence inheriting the behavior.


JavaScript objects typically has an internal property denoted as [[Prototype]] which is a reference/link to another object. When trying to access a property on an object, but the property does not exists in the current object, the prototype chain will be consulted to look up the chained object for the property. Once the property matches, it will be returned. The look up stops once it reaches the root of the chain, with is the JavaScript Object.prototype.

var newObj = Object.create(srcObj) creates a new object by setting source object as the prototype reference.

Setting Properties in Objects

Setting properties in object using assignment ( = value), especially if the property do not exist in the current object, is not straightforward.

  1. if property exists in prototype chain as a data descriptor, and if it is writable, then a new shadow property will be created on current object.
  2. if property exists in prototype chain as a data descriptor, but is not writable, then nothing will happen. In strict mode, it will throw an error.
  3. if property exists in prototype chain as an accessor descriptor, then that accessor will be called to set the property value. The value will be set in the object higher up the prototype chain, instead of having a shadow property.
  4. if property is set using Object.defineProperty() instead, a new (shadow) property will be created on the current object.

Prototypal Delegation

Prototypal delegation should be the defining mental model to understanding JavaScript objects.

Objects do not inherit behaviors. Objects delegate behaviors that are missing from their own properties to a prototype chain. The prototype chain is essentially layers of behavior, and you resolve what an object can perform by flattening the layers of behavior into a projection. In short, an object never truly “owns” a majority of behavior it can perform.

Confusing Constructor

An unfortunate naming that cause confusion is the property prototype.constructor on a function.

Functions are created by default with a prototype link to an arbitrary object. That arbitrary object contains a property called constructor that reference back to the function.

In other words, it is easier to think of prototype and constructor in this case as doubly linked references (like a doubly linked list) at the point of function creation.

The word constructor really does not carry any additional meaning, therefore it never indicates what is the constructor of an object. That is pure misconception.

So when a new object is created by a function through a new constructor call, trying to access that newObj.constructor property will search up the prototype chain to resolve a value, that creates an illusion of what is the constructor. (In complex scenario with shadow properties, you may even resolve to an unexpected value).

Setting the Prototype

Child.prototype = Parent.prototype; // bad. shared prototype may cause corrupted modifications

Child.prototype = new Parent(); // bad. constructor calls to Parent() may cause undesired side effects

Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); // pre-ES6. Wasteful discarding of original arbitrary Child.prototype object

Object.setPrototypeOf(Child.prototype, Parent.prototype); // ES6. Reuses Child.prototype object.

The conceptual model in my mind is to wrap prototype links with a Prototype Object. This object itself allows future “grandchildren” objects to delegate behaviors, yet keeping these behaviors isolated from parent prototype objects:

Child = {
  prototype: {
    // child's Prototype Object
    prototype: parent.prototype, // meaning parent's Prototype Object

Parent = {
  prototype: {
    // parent's Prototype Object
    prototype: grandparent.prototype,

Object.getPrototypeOf() and Object.setPrototypeOf() should be used to interact with prototype objects, although legacy approach like .prototype and .__proto__ will work as well.

Finding prototype chain ancestor

child instanceof Parent

This call checks if child’s prototype chain ever contained the prototype object of the Parent function. If Parent is a hard-bound function (it will not have a prototype property), the original function before binding will be consulted.


This call is better, as it avoids having a function involved in this testing, and only requires two objects for comparison.


Strict Mode

Complying to strict mode makes code more optimizable for the compiler, therefore there is no reason not to use it.

Why Named Function is preferred over Anonymous Function

Anonymous functions makes code more readable but has the following drawbacks:

  • No useful names will be displayed during stack trace or debugging
  • Cannot use recursion, or allow the function to unbind itself as an event handler
  • Cannot self document or carry intentions

Since there are no drawbacks of named functions, why not just use named functions all the time.

Arrow functions are anonymous functions that introduces the lexical this behavior.

Delegation Design

Achieving object-oriented programming with delegation instead of class inheritance, here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. Delegate behavior to another object via prototype linkage. But keep states internal to current object. (I find this the most profound concept to wrap by head around).
  2. Use explicit method naming on delegator objects, instead of shadowing a method with the same name from the delegates. This makes code simple to maintain and reason. (Polymorphism can be achieved by having the same method name between sibling delegators that are not on the same prototype chain).
  3. Delegation should be hidden as internal implementation of an API, if it provides more clarity to users.
  4. Bi-directional delegation is not allowed.
  5. Using composition of peer objects providing distinct behavior, instead of always designing the objects in terms of parent-child hierarchy.
  6. Use obj.isPrototypeOf() and obj.getPrototypeOf to test for delegation, and forget all about classes and instanceof.

CLASS approach

If we are using class in our development work, then I think the best practice is to never use any Delegation Design explicitly. Even though class from ES6 may be using prototypal delegation under the hood, we should respect the class API and stick to creating static and traditional OOP classes. I see two advantages:

  • we are using the new class inheritance syntax as intended by ES6 specs.
  • we do not cause unintended corruption to our program by accessing prototype delegation.
  • if a problem cannot be solved using class features, then defer to a higher level workaround, such as changing design pattern, to approach the problem, instead of hacking it by using other JavaScript language features.

ES6 Class

  • class keyword creates a function by defining the function prototype in a block.
  • constructor defines the signature of a function with the same name as the class.
  • Class methods are non-enumberable by default.
  • Calling the class function must be made with new keyword.
  • Class definitions will not be hoisted, therefore they must be defined before usage.
  • Class definitions do not create a Global Object property.
  • Class can be perceived as a macro to automatically populate prototype.


  • class Child extend Parent essentially establish a prototype delegation link from a “child” class prototype to “parent” class prototype.
  • Calling super in the child constructor method is synonymous to calling the Parent() constructor method.
  • Calling super in any child class method is synonymous to calling Parent.prototype.
  • super is therefore not limited to “classes”, and can be used for object literals.
  • extends similary allows us to extend native types.
  • Most Importantly, SUPER is statically bound at declaration, and not dynamically bound, like THIS.
  • The default subclass constructor, if not defined, will actually call the parent constructor via super(args).
  • In ES6, this cannot be accessed by subclass constructor, until super() is called, as the context of an instance is initialized by the parent constructor.


Besides linking between subclass prototype and parent class prototype, the child function object is also prototype linked to the parent function object (two separate and parallel prototype chains).

static methods declared by the parent class will not be added to function prototype, but is still available to child class through the above mentioned function object prototype chain.

ES6 Function Definition Shorthand

var Example = {
  anon() {
  named: function named() {

In this example, the use of simpler syntactic shorthand to create a function to be used in constructor call is easier to risk, but do note that the concise method anon() will create an anonymous function, which may limit the ability to self-reference in the function code.

Variable Existence Check

if (variable) {
  // ... do something to variable

If the variable do not exists (not declared) this will definitely throw an error. A common way to test this is to use typeof var !== "undefined" instead.

This is a legacy feature, where even though the variable was not declared and cannot be referenced without throwing error, we can still safely check for existence using typeof. Reason being, some legacy libraries imported in older JS environment pollute the global namespace with variables, and we need a method to check for existence of those imported variables safely.

This does not apply to variables stuck in Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ).

  typeof variable; // ReferenceError
  let variable;

Built-in Types

string, number, boolean, null, undefined, object, symbol

typeof null is object

This is a bug that will never be fixed, since many websites around the world depends on this behavior. Fixing this will break a lot of websites.

typeof functions and arrays

These are just special variants of objects with certain built-in properties. We can consider them subtypes.

However, typeof functions will state “function”, but for array it will state “object”.

Safe Numbers

0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3 is false, as with most programming language’s implementation of floating point number. A workaround for this is to determine that the two numbers are close enough to be equal, using the built-in tolerance range Number.EPSILON.

Besides decimal numbers, integers that are either too big are too small will also have safety problem. The predefined safe range can be accessed using Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER.

Bitwise operation can only be performed on 32-bit integers. Using an operation like largeNumber | 0 will return a 32-bit integer since other bits will be ignored.

Special Values

undefined and null are both a type and a value.

void can be used to void out any return value from an expression, ensure that it always returns undefined

NaN a.k.a not-a-number is a special number indicating that the value is invalid. It is usually the result of a numerical operation performed on other non-number types. A NaN can never equal any value, not even itself, and it is the only value with such behavior in the language.

var notNumber = Nan;
notNumber !== notNumber; // true!

To safely test for NaN, use Number.isNaN(). (the built-in global isNaN does not check for the value, it merely check if something is a number or not).

Infinity and -Infinity can be obtained when dividing a number by zero, or by accessing the value Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY and Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY. By specification, if any operation causes the number to go beyond Number.MAX_VALUE, it will not automatically return infinity, but will actually goes through a rounding process to determine if the number is closer to the MAX_VALUE or to infinity, so it may return MAX_VALUE instead.

0 is positive zero, and -0 is the result of obtaining zero from division or multiplication involving negative numbers. Comparison operation between positive and negative zero will determine that they are equal, and even some string operations, depending on browser support. The following snippet can be used to test for negative zero.

var negativeZero = -0(negativeZero === 0) && 1 / negativeZero === -Infinity;

Negative zero is a feature used to support preserving of the sign (direction) for certain operations that leads to zero value without losing that piece of information.

With ES6, NaN);, -0);

This utility was introduced to help test for special values easily.


Manually boxing will create object forms of primitives, using native wrappers. These object internally uses a [[Class]] attribute to remember what type the value belongs to. Unboxing can be performed manually using .valueOf() function, or implicitly when coercion takes place.

Take note of the following pitfall.

var f = new Boolean(false);
if (!f) {
  // will never run since object is truthy

var a = Array(3); // empty array, works without new keyword
a.length; // 3

var optimized = /^a*b+/g; // compiled
var unOptimized = new RegExp("^a*b+", "g"); // only useful to generate dynamic regex

var dateString = Date();
var dateObj = new Date();

var err = Error("message"); // works without new keyword


Number coercion for non-number types may contain pitfalls. Better double check the coercion results before implementing it in your code.

parseInt() and parseFloat() only works on strings, so providing any other types will result in coercion to string, and the result may not be what we expect.

+ operator has specification to perform concatenation if operand are strings, so this is commonly used to coerce number to string.

- operator however, only has specification for numbers, so strings will be coerced to number instead when used as operand. This applies to other arithmetic operations.

Objects are always coerced to their primitive value first, and if the value does not meet the operator specifications, it will then fallback to other type coercions, like using toString(). If no rules can be matched, then it will throw a TypeError.

== vs ===

One allows coercion when comparing value, and the other one do not allow coercion, also know as strict-equality.

When compared with numbers, strings are coerced to NaN (which is a number that don’t hold value)

Even though the author of YDKJS encourage the use of equality as long as you follow certain heuristics to make sure it is safe, I beg to differ. In a team setting when collaborating on a project, it is better to be explicit than sorry. If you are implementing a functionality using equality, the next engineer that uses your function may not know about the implicit assumptions.

If coercion equality == is used, here are some quick tips according to specifications:

  • Comparing number to string always coerce string to number, and it is commutative.
  • Comparing anything to boolean, will coerce the boolean to a number.
  • Comparing null to undefined always yield true. Commutative.
  • Comparing Object to primitive will coerce the object first to primitive. Commutative.
  • it seems like in no situation of comparison would result in values coerced to boolean, so we should resist the urge to think that way even if it is more intuitive.

For inequality, which cannot avoid coercion since there are no such option, the specification is:

  • first coerce both operand to primitives
  • if both are not strings, they will then to coerced to numbers
  • the comparison will be performed using numbers
  • if both are strings, then they will be compared lexicographically

For <= or >= inequality, the specification state that an ordinary < or > will first be performed then the result will be negated before returning.

Selector Operators && and ||

These are in fact selectors because they always return one of the operands.

  • || returns the first operand itself, if it coerce to boolean true, else it returns the second operand.
  • && returns the second operand if the first coerce to boolean true, else it returns the first operand.
  • they are actually equivalent to first ? first : second and first ? second : first

Their usage extends beyond boolean testing. || can be used as a fallback operator to provide a default value (coalescing). && can be used as a guard operator to only execute an operation if the a condition is first met.

Falsy & Truthy

Values that are falsy when coerced to boolean value:

  • undefined
  • null
  • false
  • +0, -0, NaN
  • "" // empty string

Notice that these are all primitives, therefore for most complex primitives, since they are not on the list, they are truthy by default, such as new Boolean( false ) is actually truthy.


Tilda ~ is a bitwise operation that flips all the bits and plus one.

Most commonly used to conveniently convert failure return values (-1) to falsy, because ~-1 returns zero, but all other number values will not return zero.

Another use is to cast the number to 32-bit ~~variable by using the operator twice. This is more concise than performing variable | 0 due to operator precedence.

But usage of tilda is pretty rare, so unless the entire development team are familiar with it, or there is a strong case to use it, I would recommend avoiding it.


Symbols create a unique scalar primitive on every invocation regardless of key provided:

Symbol("key") === Symbol("key"); // false

If a symbol is used as property key in objects, it helps to prevent collision. Object.hasOwnPropertySymbols(obj) provides a quick way to list all symbol properties in an object. ES6 uses symbols for some prototype properties in Object and Array types.

Built-In Types Prototypes

An interesting behavior for the following built-in prototypes which are all objects:

  • Function.prototype is also an empty function
  • Array.prototype is also an empty array
  • RegExp.prototype is also a regex that matches nothing
  • String.prototype is also an empty string

ES6 Maps and Sets

Instead of using objects as maps, ES6 provides a new Map constructor for creating map. I think this allows us to convey our intention through our code better. It also allow non-string keys. In addition, the Map API provides certain convenience method that allows us to retrieve an iterator for the stored values

WeakMap is a variant of Map that only stores objects as keys. If the objects get garbage collected, the entry will also be removed from the map. Only the keys are held weakly, not the values.

Sets also has a WeakSet variant that holds its values weakly. Note that values must be objects.

Pass by Value/Reference

If you have been using JavaScript for a while, it should be clear how the language behaves without any explicit explanation, since it is quite intuitive.

Whether a variable is passed by value or by reference purely depends on the type of value. And regardless of type, the variable will always be passed as a copy. Primitives are always passed by value. Complex primitives are always passed by reference.

And unlike C, you cannot reference another reference (pointer to a pointer), therefore you cannot reassign an original reference by passing a complex primitive to a function, since the function always receives a copy of the reference, instead of the original reference itself.

Array Shortcuts

array.length = 0 is apparently the fastest way to achieve the clearing of an array in-place without reassigning reference.

Not sure why this works. To find out.

Array.of(...) creates a new array with given elements, even if it is only a single number, instead of allocating an empty array of size specified by that single number (behavior of classic array constructor).

Array.from(...) converts an array like object into an array, with an optional callback function we can specify as mapper.

Assignment Shortcuts

var a, b, c;
a = b = c = 3;


There is a similar feature in JavaScript but it is not widely used. We can create labelled statements and use these labels in loops.

label: for (somthing) {
  secondLabel: for (anotherCondition) {
    // ... some logic
    if (toContinueFromOuterLoop) {
      continue label;
    if (toBreakFromInnerLoop) {
      break secondLabel;

Automatic Semicolon Insertion

Is an error correction feature of JavaScript parser. Which means that semicolon is actually not optional, and that was never the intention of the language.


  • finally will always be executed after try but before the enclosing function finish execution
  • finally is able to override any returns or throws from the try/catch blocks, if explicitly returning/throwing from the finally block.
  • if finally performs a side effect, both try/catch block return values, and side effects will take place.

HOWEVER these blocks are synchronous, so if any asynchronous callbacks are registered within any of the blocks, there is no guarantee for the execution order of those callbacks. In other words, try...catch an async promise will never work if you are trying to use it to catch async errors.


This actually a syntactic shorthand, and not an official language feature. It is equivalent to:

else {
  if {  }

Switch Hacks

A simple trick to overcome the default equality comparison of switch-cases.

switch (true) {
  case variable === something:
  case variable === somethingElse:

Spread and Gather

var arr = [x, ...y, z]; // var y will spread all its element

var a, b, c;
[a, b, ...c] = arr; // var c will gather all remaining elements.

function manyArgs(...args) {
  args.shift(); // args is an array, all parameters are gathered

Destructuring and Default values

Destructuring allows us to set default values for variable assignments. This may create confusion when we try to perform destructuring, specifying default values for destructuring assignment, all within the definition of a function parameter, with default parameter value thrown into the mix.


Metaprogramming is used to let the program focus on itself or its runtime environment, so as to extend the normal mechanisms of the language to provide additional capabilities.

  • Proxy can be used to wrap an object and modify behavior or trigger additional handlers before invoking the actual object properties.
  • Reflect API can be used to intercept and manipulate objects at runtime.


IOC of Callbacks

The callback pattern for asynchronous code inherently give control to another function to invoke your own callback. Often, this other function will be provided by third-party library, leading to several uncertainties:

  • Will the callback be invoked at all?
  • Will the callback be invoked more than once?
  • Will the callback be invoked too early (turns out to be synchronous) or too late (after other critical events)?
  • Will the calling function not pass along the necessary environment?
  • Will the calling function suppress the error from the callback?

Instead of surrendering the control of your own program execution to a third-party function, Promise invert the control back to your program.


Promises = encapsulation of future values into a standardized and trustable API.

Temporal and Immutable

Promises encapsulate temporal dependence and allow us to write code with predictable outcome.

Promises are immutable, therefore they allow all parties to observe the same value, and prevents any party (e.g. IOC from calling third-party functions) from modifying the promise, which may corrupt the processing of others.

var p = Promise(...)
p.then( observerA )
p.then( observerB ) // observes the same event

Thenable Duck Typing

Currently the only way to determine a promise is through thenable duck typing. But since having a then property is not exclusive, and may conflict with certain legacy libraries from pre-ES6, this is a pitfall and may potentially cause problems. A way out is to wrap those legacy functions or objects with a promise.


Promise solves all the IOC callback issues by providing certain guarantees:

  • Promises cannot be observed synchronously. then(callback) is always asynchronous.
  • Promise observers do not delay or disrupt other observers from triggering their callbacks.
  • Ordering within a promise-callback chain is guaranteed, but not across chains therefore we should never depend on such cross-chain patterns to enforce ordering.
  • Promise.race can be used creatively to set timeout on promise to prevent waiting indefinitely.
  • Even if the promise definition makes multiple calls to resolve only the first call will be registered. This guarantees that callbacks will be invoked only once.
  • Only the first parameter to resolve and reject will be passed to the registered callback. Additionally, callbacks can inherit environment from the closure over their scope, which can be used as a mechanism to pass variables even for promise-style programming.
  • Most importantly, any non-promise but “thenable” functions can be wrapped with a promise, to give us guaranteed and consistent behavior.

The promise of promises (pun intended) is to return a promise from each then(callback), which can be chained and our code will only need to work with the promise interface to enforce async behavior.

Resolve and Reject

reject simply rejects the promise, but resolve can either fulfill the promise or reject it.

If resolve will fulfill if passed an immediate, non-Promise, non-thenable value. But if it is passed a genuine Promise or thenable value, that value is unwrapped recursively, until a final value is obtained, which may turn out to be promise rejection.

Reject will not recursively unwrap a promise or thenable value, so if our code needs to explicitly call then on the rejected value, if it turns out to be a promise.

Promise.reject and Promise.resolve are shorthands to bypass the creation of new Promise() objects.

Error Handling

  .then(resolutionHandler, rejectionHandler)

Error handling happens on a per-promise basis. If rejectionHandler returns a value, it will be wrapped in a promise and be propagated down the chain. By default, any unhandled error within a promise will cause a rejection, and if there are no rejection handler, the error will fall through the chain, and eventually bubbles up the program.

The final catch is actually just a shorthand for .then(null, rejectionHandler). Therefore, if a synchronous happen before a promise is even created (e.g. misuse of API), this rejection handler will not be able to catch it.

Keep in mind that sometimes, it may be impossible to clean up reserved resources through rejection handlers, and promise mechanism lacks a finally capability to ensure clean up.

Built-in Patterns

  • Promise.all([...]) returns an array of resolved values, or first rejection to occur.
  • Promise.race([...]) returns only the first resolved value, or first rejection to occur. NOTE passing an empty array will cause you to wait indefinitely.
  • Promise.none([...]) inverted behavior of Promise.all.
  • Promise.any([...]) is like Promise.all but ignores rejection.
  • Promise.first([...]) is like Promise.race but ignores rejection.
  • Promise.last([...]) is like Promise.first but returns the last resolved value.


Generators are functions that can pause and resume their execution by yielding control to another function through an iterator as interface.

function* myGenerator(originalInput) {
  var newInput = yield "hello";
  var secondInput = yield "world";
  return newInput + secondInput + originalInput;

var it = myGenerator(1); // only returns iterator. Generator code do not run.
var resultObj =; // starts generator code, pauses at first yield statement
resultObj.value; // "hello"
resultObj =; // var newInput will store the value 2
resultObj.value; // "world"
resultObj =; // var secondInput will store the value 3
resultObj.value; // returns 6 and the generator terminates.
  • Generators can be created using * syntax.
  • Each iterator controls an instance of the generator.
  • An initial next call is required to start the generator code running.
  • Generator will eventually run to completion, and result obtained by iterator will contain done: true flag.
  • yield and next forms two way message communication like a two way latch gate. A message sent by next will be provided to the current yield and the value from the subsequent yield will be passed back instead.
  • for (var val of it) will first retrieve an iterator from the object, before calling next on the iterator. An iterator is itself an iterator and an iterable. (fetching the value of [Symbol.iterator] on an iterator returns the iterator itself).
  • it.return(val) will terminate the generator (done will be set to true), and this call to the iterator will create a result object with value val.
  • it.throw(err) will throw an error from the current yield in the generator.
  • Iteration can be delegated to another iterator through the * syntax. Delegation will “step in” to the other iterator, and any message passing/error throwing between yield and next will also be delegated.
function* myGenerator(originalInput) {
  yield "hello world";
  yield* anotherGenerator(); // iterator of an instance of anotherGenerator
  yield* [1, 2, 3]; // will use iterator of this array

Generator-Promise Pattern (Async-Await)

The natural way to get the most out of Promises and Generators is to yield a Promise, and wire that Promise to control the generator’s iterator.

We can work with promises in a synchronous coding style by creating our workflow inside a generator.

  • Whenever an asynchronous promise is created, we yield that promise.
  • Outside of the generator, a runner utility can be working with the iterator of this generator instance, and observe the yielded promise.
  • The runner utility will register a callback to the promise, and pass the promise resolved value to the generator through
  • Generator receives the value from yield and continue processing.
function* asyncGenerator() {
  var data = yield asyncRequest(url);
  var secondData = yield asyncRequest(url2);

function runnerUtility() {
  var it = asyncGenerator();
  var firstPromise =;
    .then((data) => {
    .then((secondData) => {

But instead of having these cumbersome boilerplate, we can simply use async-await, which provides syntactic shorthand for this exact same pattern.



Producing a piece of code that is able to run in older JS environments, to emulate the behavior of functions introduced in newer version JS that are not supported in current environment.


Producing code with equivalent behavior in older JS environments, for code written in newer version JS syntax.

ES6 Modules

Traditional Modules

Traditionally modules are simple outer functions with inner variables and functions that we can access through object property. This is used by Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) and Universal Module Definition (UMD).

RequireJS is a project that helps to load modules that implements AMD API, and primarily runs on browser.

CommonJS is a project that helps to load modules for server-side JavaScript programs. Loading happens synchronously. (uses require and exports object).

NodeJs has its own module system that is similar to CommonJS. (uses require and module.export).

SystemJS is another module loader project that supports all the above systems, including ES6, and is configurable (essentially wraps all the systems with a common interface).

New Approach

ES6 has syntax support for Modules.

  • Modules must be defined in separate files.
  • export member exports a member from a file
  • import member from "file" imports a specific member from “file.js” (this may sometimes look like destructuring, but it is actually special syntax for modules).
  • module myMod from "file" imports the entire module from file
  • Modules API are static: Compiler will check that all references to modules and module members exists at compile time, if not it will throw an error.
  • Contents in module files are treated as if they are enclosed in a scoped closure.
  • Methods and properties exposed by modules are actual bindings to inner module definition (which means the value can be changed dynamically, and reflected when all references to the module property resolves).
  • Modules are singleton, and will not be re-imported again.
  • Circular Module Dependency is supported, since all module imports will be resolved and loaded first before any function calls are executed.

Direct Interaction with Module Loader

The module loader is provided by the hosting environment of JavaScript Engine. Sometimes it may be necessary to directly interact with the module loader, to load external resources/modules or dynamically load non-JavaScript code. This will incur a performance penalty, so we should only consider this if it is truly necessary.

  • Babel is a transpiler to transpile future versions of ECMA scripts to older versions that are more widely supported.
  • Webpack is a bundler. It will construct a dependency map of modules and even assets used by your program and package them into bundles, and it is highly configurable.


Hosting Environment and Event Loop

The traditional hosting environment of the JavaScript engine is the web browser. NodeJS is a server-side alternative, and there are other modern environments that may even be embedded systems.

The JavaScript engine and the hosting environment interacts with the event loop. The engine executes functions that are on the loop, one-by-one on a single thread, (which is why many people refer to JavaScript as single threaded). At each tick, an event will be picked up from the loop and executed by the engine.

The hosting environment may insert event into the loop upon completion of asynchronous operation.

E.g. setTimeout interacts with a timer provided by the hosting environment, and when time is up, the hosting environment will insert an event into the loop. The engine picks up this event and execute the callback function that was provided when setTimeout was initially called.

Event Loop Concurrency

Two task queues may be interleaving their tasks in the event loop, resulting in unexpected outcomes depending on their concurrency model.


The two task queues do not affect each other in anyway, therefore the true sequence of event execution by the engine does not matter.

Cooperative model happens when each task queues limit the execution time of their events, allowing many other task queues to gain sufficient execution time on the event loop for the entire program to progress as a whole. This can happen by breaking the big tasks down into smaller tasks and inserting those tasks back into the loop.


The two task queues may be modifying the same variables within the same scope/context, or the outcome of the entire program execution depends on these shared variables. The outcome may be vastly different if the sequence of event execution changes, making the program non-deterministic.

We can overcome this issue by simple coordination between two task queues to make sure certain critical events do not overlap.

Tasks and Microtasks

Event Loop, Task Queues, and Microtask Queues

Image sourced from RisingStack blog

Each task will run to completion on each event loop tick, and the next task will only begin at the next tick.

At the end of each task, the microtask queue will be processed until the queue empties. (Promise.then is the simplest way to schedule a microtask).

Rendering is handled by the main thread in the browser and therefore the render task needs to be scheduled as well. Rendering may take place between event loop ticks.

The sequence of execution goes like this: task > microtasks > render

Important! Having this knowledge does not mean that we should use the scheduling of tasks and microtasks to enforce any kinds of event ordering!

Runtime Model

Runtime Model

Image sourced from MDN web docs

Garbage Collection

There is no need to release memory explicitly. This will be handled by JavaScript Garbage Collector. A mark-and-sweep algorithm is used to overcome the limitation of circular reference (this algorithm is able to identify a set of circular references that are isolated and can no longer be referenced, therefore is GC-eligible).

Performance Optimization

  • Web Worker/Shared Worker is a feature of the browser host environment to allow JavaScript program to run on separate threads (access it through browser API). Data can be transferred by simple copying or by using Transferable Objects. Main advantage is to prevent intensive computation or interaction with external resources from slowing down the main thread. It also allow your program running on multiple tabs to share a set of common workers.
  • SIMD optimization (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) requires API to allow JavaScript program to tap on modern CPU’s SIMD processing capabilities, that speeds up vector calculations.
  • asm.js is a subset of JavaScript language. We use it by compiling our code to meet asm.js specs first, then allow environments that support asm.js to run it. Optimization largely derived from static typing and coercion, as well as reserved heap for modules to avoid expensive memory operations during runtime.

Performance Benchmarking

  • There is little benefit to writing your own benchmarking framework/utility. Use a tool like benchmark.js.
  • jsPerf is a site that uses benchmark.js to create an open platform for testing.
  • Certain performance difference hardly matter. (Average human cannot perceive anything faster than 100ms).
  • Engine optimization may provide unrealistic performance result due to detection of static values, which cannot replicate actual environment.
  • No need to be overly worried about microperformance optimization in your code, as the constant browser engine improvements will likely make a lot of these micro adjustments obsolete.
  • Focus manual effort on optmizing the critical path.

Tail Call Optimization

ES6 specification requires engine to implement Tail Call Optimzation. If a recusive function call occurs at the end of a function definition, there is no need to allocate a new stack frame, as the existing frame can be reused to run the next recursed function execution. This optimization speeds up execution and reduces memory usage.


My notes are derived mostly from TypeScript Deep Dive and TypeScript Handbook.

Project Organization

  • tsconfig.json is used to define the project, files to include and compiler options.
  • Code splitting can be achieved with Webpack by preserving dynamic imports of TypeScript instead of transpiling (can be configured in module setting).
  • Global types can be controlled under compiler options as well.
  • lib option controls what default type support we will be having from TypeScript compiler (e.g. esnext, dom). Another option, target, controls the JavaScript version we will transpile to.
    • Supported types are declared in lib.d.ts that ships with the compiler.
  • Avoid using outFile option since it introduces higher chance of error and slower compilation.
  • Type Declaration Space consists of class, interface, type declarations. Among the 3, only class declaration creates a variable.
  • Importing module with relative path look up follows this sequence to look for a .ts, .d.ts or .js file:
    • Look for file in node_modules of current directory, and recursively look in parent directory uptil root of file system, for
    • a file name matches the import name or
    • a folder name matches the import name, and contains a file importname/index.ts or
    • a folder name matches the import name, contains importname/package.json, and a file is specified in types or main of the package.json file.
  • declare module will make your module available in your program’s global namespace. (equivalent to populating types in global.d.ts if your module only export types).
  • If we are importing a file just for types, and this file does not directly use the import, then it may transpile into an empty file. Use the following approach to ensure import
import mod = require('mod');
import mod2 = require('mod2');
const guaranteeImport: any = mod && mod2;

namespace in TypeScript allows grouping of functions within a file, but using file based modules will achieve the same objective with cleaner code.

JS Migration

  • Understand that all JavaScript is legit TypeScript.
  • Add tsconfig.json.
  • Change .js files to .ts. Suppress errors with any type.
  • Add new code with strong typing.
  • Gradually refactor old code.

Ambient Declaration

The Definitely Typed community provides many type definitions for popular JavaScript libraries. They can all be imported via npm, and they begins with @type/ prefix.

But even if the definitions for a third-party library cannot be found, we can create our own ambient declaration, so that using this pure JavaScript library will not cause TypeScript compiler to throw error.

// thirdpartylib.d.ts
declare function process(x: number): Promise<number>; // must use declare keywords
export default process;

For declaring variables type definition, we can consider using interface so that it can be extended easily in future.

Coding (TypeScript)

Class Access Modifiers

  • private only accessable within the class definition.
  • protected only accessable within the class definition, and child class definition. (even the constructor)
  • public is the default. Accessible from anywhere, even the class instances.
  • abstract class cannot be initiated, can only be extended. abstract members must be implemented by child classes.
  • static members can only be accessed by fully qualified class name access. (I believe under the hood this has the same delegation property as ES6 static modifier).

Type Alias

Essentially using type alias = validTypeAnnotation. (Therefore, it is important to note that type is only an alias keyword, the true definition of types happens in all the annotations)


Interface is the main building block of TypeScript type system.

interface myOwnInterface {
  prop: number,
  optionalProp?: number,
  readonly readonlyProp: number,

interface myOwnInterface { // open-ended
  (): string, // makes implementation of this interface callable as a function
  (input: number): number, // overloads the above function with a different signature
  namedFunc(): number,
  new(): string, // allows function to be called with NEW keyword
  explicitThis(this: myOwnInterface): void, // this function implementation uses THIS. Explicit declaration prevents implicit ANY for THIS.

interface myIndexable extends myOwnInterface {
  [index: string]: myOwnInterface, // this makes interface indexable, and also declare nested structure
  • TypeScript interfaces are open-ended, so subsequent interface definition with the same interface name will be merged as one.
  • It is pure syntactic sugar with no impact on JavaScript runtime.
  • Classes can implement interface. (But does not mean you have to, all depends on use cases).
  • Interface can extend classes as well, only inheriting the declaration of members without implmentation. If the class contains private members, then only a direct child class of this parent can implement such an interface extended from the parent.
  • readonly can be used on any property in a class, interface or in any types. Using Readonly<type> marks all properties of input type as readonly automatically and returns a new type. Readonly is not failsafe, as the values can still be mutated through aliasing.
var x = { readonlyProp: 1 } as myOwnInterface // dirty shortcut assertion

function mutateReadonly(aliasParam = { readonlyProp: number }) {
  aliasParam.readonlyProp = 2;

mutateReadonly(x); // mutates readonly property!


  • Supports parameter and output annotations.
  • Supports optional parameter ?.
  • Support default parameter value.
  • Supports Function Overloading


TypeScript has extended the capabilities of JavaScript array by introducing a way to declare tuples.


  • Enum extends beyond numbers, allowing us to create string enums, or even heterogeneous enums.
  • Enum declarations are open-ended.
  • If the numeric value of the first enum member is declared, value of subsequent members will increment from this first value. (Value declaration is optional).
  • Declaring constant values for enums improves performance.
  • Obtaining all enum values can be done using keyof typeof [enum]
  • Value can be reversed mapped to key using enum[value]

Type Assertion vs Type Casting

Type assertion can be achieved by using var x = {} as myType, so that no error will be thrown even if some properties of that type is initially missing. This is purely compile time checking, whereas type casting implies runtime conversion.

To assert to any given type simply requires a double assertion to first assert to any then to desired type. Assertion is generally harmful if used wrongly since it undermines type checking.

Freshness (Strict Object Literal Check)

Only applies to object literal because it has a higher chance to suffer from typo errors or from misusing of APIs. Essentially if a function parameter has been annotated, then calling the function with object literal as parameter must strictly match the parameter declaration.

Literal Types

Using JavaScript primitives values as type, meaning that the value of those instances must be exactly the same as the primitive value stated in the type definition. This seems to only be useful when creating union types to restrict values of certain instances.

type diceRoll = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
type direction = 'North' | 'South' | 'East' | 'West';

Union and Intersection Types

  • Union types are created using type | type.
    • Only properties common to all types can be accessed on a variable with union type.
  • Intersection types can be created using type & type.
    • Can be used to implement mixin pattern.

Discriminate Type Union

This comes down to using switch cases to check the value of certain literal member of this union type, that will be unique of each of the constituting types. A tip from the book Typscript Deep Dive is to assign the input that falls through all the cases (therefore it is an unidentified type) to never to automatically throw an error.

Union types can be used to support backward compatibility, such as implementing interface versioning, and we can use the discriminate approach mentioned above to perform specific processing.


Generics are supported using syntax like function myFunc<T>(inputList: T[]). This helps to constrain our inputs and outputs, provide type support while preventing us from reimplementing the same functionalities for different types.

// constraining between two params that are related
function getProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K) {
  return obj[key];

// declaring parameter to be class constructor
function create<T>(c: { new (): T }): T {
  return new c();

Type Compatibility

Type compatibility (assign instance of type A to reference for type B) depends on a number of factors:

  • Child class are compatible with Parent class (polymorphism)
  • Structurally similar types are compatible (same properties in object)
  • Function types are compatible if they have:
    • sufficient information in return type (type A returns more information than type B) (extra output are ignored).
    • accepts fewer parameters (type A accepts less parameters than type B) (extra parameters are ignored).
    • optional and rest parameters are compatible.
    • parameter types are compatible.
  • Enums are compatible with numbers.
  • Classes are compatible by only comparing members and methods (ignores static and constructor).
    • Also, any private or protected members must originate from the same parent class, in order for two classes to be compatible.


never type is assignable to function that never returns or function that always throws. A never type can only be assigned to a never type, and not anything else.

Error Handling (TypeScript)

Error subtype provided by JavaScript that we can use are: RangeError,ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError.

The book Typescript Deep Dive do not encourage throwing errors, but instead passing the errors around (perhaps through callback functions), so that errors can be annotated as optional function return type. This is an interesting approach since I really like to have potential errors tracked by our type system, but I also do not want to lose the ability to interrupt the execution by throwing.

Non-Null Assertion

We can assert that a variable is non-null, non-undefined by using a suffix ! on the variable. Using ! suffix in declaration just signals to the compiler that the property being declared will contain a valid value before it is accessed (and it is the coder’s responsibility to do so). (Again these are dangerous augmentations that should be avoided for cleaner code).

Predefined Conditional Types

  • Exclude<T, U> — Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U.
  • Extract<T, U> — Extract from T those types that are assignable to U.
  • NonNullable<T> — Exclude null and undefined from T.
  • ReturnType<T> — Obtain the return type of a function type.
  • InstanceType<T> — Obtain the instance type of a constructor function type.

Note on Style

This is a list of recommendation from Typescript Deep Dive

  • camelCase for function, variables, inner members, and filenames.
  • PascalCase for namespace, classes, types, and interfaces (no legacy I prefix).
  • PascalCase for enum and enum members.
  • No explicit use of undefined and null. Use != null or == null to guard against both null and undefined.
  • tsfmt ships with compiler, and is useful for automatically formatting code.
  • Prefer single quotes. Use backticks if we need to escape single/double quotes.
  • Prefer 2 spaces, no tabs.
  • Use semicolon to end statements.
  • Prefer primitive types instead of native objects of primitives.
  • Use type if we want to perform union or intersection. Use interface when we want to extend or implement.


TODO: read

Additional Readings

  • TypeScript Handbook Reference -